Picture this: you’re walking down the street, and you see someone frowning, looking down, or simply having a bad day. Maybe they had a tough day at work, or they’re dealing with personal issues, or maybe they’re just feeling a bit down for no particular reason. Whatever the case may be, you feel an urge to do something to make them smile, even for a moment. And when you see that smile light up their face, it feels like a small victory – a moment of joy in an otherwise ordinary day. Why do we love to make people smile? Here are 5 reasons that come to mind:

It feels good to make people smile

Let’s face it – life can be tough, and there are plenty of things that can bring us down. But when we make someone else smile, it’s a small way to spread a little joy in the world. Seeing someone else happy can give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment, knowing that we made a positive impact on someone else’s life. Plus, it’s hard to feel down when you’re surrounded by happy, smiling people!

It creates a sense of connection to make people smile

When we make someone smile, we’re creating a shared experience between ourselves and that person. It’s a moment of connection, where we’re both present and engaged in the same moment of joy. This can be especially meaningful if we don’t know the person very well – making someone smile can be a way to break down barriers and create a sense of 

make people smile - it forms connections. Two women sitting on pavement near painted wall.
Photo by Bahaa A. Shawqi on Pexels.com

Making people smile is a form of self-expression

For some people, making others smile is a way to express themselves creatively or humorously. Maybe they’re a natural prankster, or they love to tell jokes, or they have a talent for drawing silly cartoons. Whatever the case may be, making others smile can be a way to showcase their personality and unique talents.

Smiling is contagious

Have you ever noticed how laughter and smiles can be contagious? When one person starts laughing, it’s often hard for others not to join in. Making someone smile can have a similar effect – it can create a ripple effect of positivity that spreads to others around us. And when we’re surrounded by happy, smiling people, it’s hard not to feel happy ourselves.

Make people smile - it's contatigious. A group of people having fun together under the sun.
Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com

It’s a way to spread kindness

In a world that can often feel harsh and unforgiving, making someone smile can be a small act of kindness that can go a long way. It’s a way to show someone that they’re not alone, that someone cares about them, and that there’s still good in the world. And when we make someone smile, we’re spreading a little bit of that kindness and goodness to others around us.

So how can we make people smile? Here are a few ideas:

Make people smile by telling a joke

If you have a knack for humor, telling a funny joke or sharing a humorous story can be a great way to make someone smile. Even if the joke falls flat, the effort and intention will be appreciated. Or, send a funny encouragement card, like this Just Keep Swimming Faster than the Sharks card.

Make people smile by doing something unexpected

Sometimes, the element of surprise can be enough to make someone smile. Maybe you buy a stranger a cup of coffee, or you leave a funny note on a co-worker’s desk, or you offer to help someone with a task they’re struggling with. Whatever the case may be, doing something unexpected and kind can be a powerful way to make someone’s day. Perhaps a “just because” card like this Acorny Note to Say Hello card might do the trick. 

Make people smile by sharing compliments and gratitude

A simple compliment can sometimes be all it takes to make someone smile. Maybe you admire someone’s outfit, or you appreciate something they did, or you think they have a great smile. Sharing a genuine compliment can make someone feel seen and valued, and can be a great way to brighten their day. This Thanks a Bunch card will show your appreciation.

Make people smile by being present and attentive

Simply being present and attentive towards another can make them feel acknowledged and loved. Maybe you could take the time to listen to someone’s story, or offer a kind word of support, or give someone a warm hug when they’re feeling down. Being fully present and engaged with someone can make them feel valued and appreciated, which can be a powerful way to make them smile. Perhaps this Thinking of You card will help someone smile today. 

Whether it’s through humor, kindness, or simply being present and attentive, there are many ways to make others smile. And when we make someone else smile, we’re not only spreading joy to them – we’re also spreading it to ourselves and to those around us. So go ahead – spread a little kindness, make someone smile, and see how it brightens up your day! And to help you smile, I’m giving you a 10% off your entire order with coupon code: SMILE10